Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Don't let the donkey pet the chickens.

I have been a bad bad blogger. I vow to keep up with this blog. Ok, vow is such a strong word. I will try really hard to keep up this blog.
I have just started a new job---my first year as a special education teacher and it is now more important than ever to think about things other than work.
Today, I get a call from my husband- "I've got a surprise for you!"
Since he is an account executive for a shipping company, he spends a lot of time in various businesses. Therefore, usually when he says he has a surprise it is a bunch of free pens with company logos or free samples of dog treats. However, this time was different.
As soon as he got home I of course asked what my surprise was. I don't know why, but I still get excited even though it is usually lame...but then again I do love office supplies.
"Put your shoes in, Thomas is here. The surprise is in his truck, it's too big to bring inside."
Oh dear. What massive bit of corporate advertising do I now own?
Thomas has a horse trailer attached to his truck, which doesn't surprise me since he owns a bunch of horses.
Surprise! He opens the doors and there stands a 4 foot high donkey.
So now we are donkey owners.
Rob has named him Homer. This may change.
He is a "Jesus Donkey" apparently aptly named based on the black cross of hair that is across his back. I think this is a sign that he needs a much more religious sounding name. I thought about Nazarene and call him Nazi (nah-zee) until I realized that his name would be spelled like Nazi (na-tzi). We can't have anti- semantic livestock running around.
He is very docile. Which is really good since it had to be the worst homecoming ever in the history of donkey.
As we lead him from the trailer to the goat fence, we opened the gate. Our goats seized this opportunity to then race out. Now five adults are running around the donkey trying to lasso two goats. Oh, did I mention it was in the middle of a thunderstorm?
So this was Donkey's first impression of his new home:
Wild goat wrangling, torrential downpours, chickens running around scared of the thunder, dogs barking at humans running, and then an ominous rumble of thunder and lightening as if to confirm his certain doom. 
He seems to be happy though. He comes right to us and lets us pet him. (In fact, he kinda demands it.)
We have not let the goats out with him yet. After their attempt at escape they were sent to their room to think about what they had done. They do not appear to be thinking about it nor are they concerned about the 400 pound beast of burden that is walking around their pen.
If it wasnt raining, I would take a picture. His ears are ginormous. He still has baby donkey fur since he is only about 6 months old.
His previous owner said he lived with goats and does well with them. We wanted a donkey to help deter coyotes. For some reason coyotes don't like donkeys.
Donkey comes with a criminal record though. He accidentally killed a chicken on the previous owner's land when he tried to play with it with his hoof.
So we will have to make sure the donkey doesnt pet the chickens.
Since the chickens have learned that tail feathers and electric fence dont mix, I dont think this will be a problem.

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